Beach House Meals

Every year the Margareed family (and extended family) does a HUGE trip to OBX. We have been doing this trip for a little over a decade and love the memories and time with extended family. As you all know, I am frugal so we only eat out a few times each week which saves us a lot of money. I […]

Tips for Planning a Large Family OBX Trip

As a family we are lucky to have great relationships with our extended family. This allows us to take an annual family trip to OBX, NC. People are often surprised that we can take almost the same group each year and still enjoy it. I (Ruba) am the master planner of this trip each year so here are my tips: […]

Places to Eat in San Nicolas, Aruba

San Nicolas is the second largest city in Aruba. It has beautiful art murals, historic buildings, the Aruba Museum of Industry and some amazing places to eat. Each of the places mentioned in this post has delicious food, wonderful service and was reasonably priced (we stick to a tight budget when we travel). If you get the chance to visit […]